Complete Travel Guide for Matsushima Day Trip


morning and evening,
as if someone waits for me at Matsushima
my unfulfilled love...

-written by Basho in 1689 and translated by David Landis Barnhill

Yes, such a wonderful haiku about this beautiful place was written by famous poet Matsuo Bashō. Matsushima is one of the three most viewed spots or Nihon Sankei of Japan, known for its 260-small pine-covered islands over the blue Sea.

Content :

  • How to Go? 
  • What to see? 
  1. Zuiganji Temple
  2. Entsū-in Temple
  3. Godaido Temple
  4. Fukuura Island 
  5. Kanrantei Tea House
  6. Sightseeing Boats
  • What to Eat?
  • Where to stay?
  • Best Time to Visit
  • Souvenir & Shopping
  • Itinerary for Matsushima Trip 

How to Go :

Located in Miyagi Prefecture, this place is only half an hour away from Sendai
From Tokyo St. : 
It will take 1.30 hour by Tohoku-Hokkaido Shinkansen to reach Sendai Station
Then walk 4 mint to reach Aobadori St.
Then take the Local Senseki line Train for Matsushimakaigan St.
Cost :  ¥11,830
You can also get off at Sendai Airport if you want to go by Plane.

What to See :

  1. Zuiganji Temple: Zuiganji (瑞巌寺) is one of the Tohoku Region's most famous and prominent Zen temples which were originally established in 828AD by the legendary priest Jikaku Daishi. The temple, as we see it today, was restored by samurai ruler Masamune in 1609 as his family temple. 

    Upon entering the temple grounds, cedar trees were once visible on both sides from the gate to the main hall, unfortunately for the 2011's tsunami most of which damaged by salt water and no longer visible today. 

    Small caves can be seen in the vicinity of Juiganji in which monks once lived and prayed. It is also thought to have existed early in the Edo period. In front of the cave, there are several Kanon and Bodhisattva statues are visible, which creates a mystic aura.

    The main temple building, Kuri (Temple kitchen), Onari entrance, as well as corridor all are designated as national treasures. The main hall is open for visitors where many valuable and extravagant pictures, statues, and fusuma doors of the past are kept carefully. 

  2. Entsū-in Temple: Entsuin Temple is another most important temple after Zuiganji Temple. The temple contains the tomb of the grandson of Samurai ruler Dat Masamune, who died mysteriously at the age of 19. Built in 1848, the temple is located right next to Zuiganji. The temple has a beautiful moss garden as well as a rock garden that represents the islands of Matsushima Bay. The place looks very beautiful in autumn.

  3. Godaido: Godaido is a Buddhist shrine on an islet near the port of Matsushima. To reach this temple you have to cross the red bridge “Sukashi Bashi,” the floor of the bridge is made of a wooden grid for which you can see the sea below.

    In 828,  Jikaku Daishi not only found Enpuku-Ji in modern-day known as Zuigan-Ji but also placed images of five Dava kings in Bishamon-do, making it known as Godai-do. Reconstruction of the present building was made by the local feudal lord Masamune in 1604.

  4. Fukuura island: You can get exquisite island views from the sightseeing boats, or scenic overlooks that offer great views from land, still, your visit will be incomplete without setting your foot on an island by yourself. That's why I have to go to Fukuura Island once. 

    To visit this garden island, we just need to cross this 250-meter-long iconic red bridge that connected the island to the mainland. From late winter to the middle of summer, Fukuurajima Island is enlivened by many types of flowers like camellia and cherry blossoms. Around the island are scenic overlooks that can refresh your mind. It takes about 30-40 minutes to tour the whole island once.

  5. Kanrantei: Without changing each stone of the tea room originally located in Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Fushimi Momoyama Castle, Kanrantei was ordered by the second feudal lord Tadamune to relocated to the Edo clan's residence by Masamune.

    This tea house of the ruling Date family once used to serve princesses, samurai, and royal guests. Nowadays, anyone can visit Kanrantei and enjoy matcha green tea and sweets while viewing the gently rippling waters of Matsushima Bay.

  6. sightseeing boat: Another best way to discover Matsushima is by sightseeing boat. various companies offer sightseeing boat trips around Matsushima Bay. There are two standard cruises in a loop route departing and returning to Matsushima. The standard cruises depart hourly and it takes approximately fifty minutes. You can purchase the tickets just prior to departure.
    Matsushima Port
    Tip: If you book your tickets online you will get 10% off on them. 

    During Poet Matsuo Basho's long six-month journey, he was mostly captivated by the beauty of Matsushima. He wrote in his travelogue that,

 Much praise has already been lavished on the wonders of the islands of Matsushima. Yet if further praise is possible, I would like to say that here is the most beautiful spot in the whole country of Japan... The islands are situated in a bay about three miles wide in every direction and open to the sea through a narrow mouth on the southeast side. Just as the River Sekko in China is made full at each swell of the tide, so is the bay filled with the brimming water of the ocean and the innumerable islands are scattered over it from one end to the other. Tall islands point to the sky and level ones prostrate themselves before the surges of water. Islands are piled above islands and islands are joined to islands, so that they look exactly like parents caressing their children or walking with them arm in arm...
Tip: To get an overlook scenic view we recommend two places within walking distance. The first one is Saigyo Modoshi no Matsu Park scenic viewpoint or Shin Tomiyama Overlook 

cc Chensiyuan

What to Eat

 Since this place is so close to the ocean, naturally they will have a lot of specialty on seafood. The first name that comes to my mind is Kakigoya aka Oyster Shacks. This delicacy is only available between October to mid-March(excluding the New Year’s Holiday), which run by the Matsushima Tourism Association. Where the staff will grill the oysters in front of you and serve you. 

There is also a wide range of fresh seafood available for making different kinds of sushi at the sushi restaurants here.

Like other parts of Japan, you can try Ramen here too, though I'm sure you'll find some specialty in this genre too. My personal choice will be the Tantanmen which is served with a lot of seafood. 

Where to stay

Although I went on a day tour, anyone wants to stay and relax for a few more days, there are hotels available at all prices. Hotel Matsushima Taikanso, just across the coastline, offers great scenic views. For those who want to enjoy nature while sitting in a hotel room, Matsushima Ichinobo or the Hotel Zekkei no Yakata can be a good option.

Best Time to Visit

Honestly, any sunny day is great to visit this city. But snow and sea are not seen together in many cities, so Matsushima is very special in that respect. So I think if you want to see the special snowy Matsushima then you may come between December to January and for a beautiful sunny day, from February to May or from October to November, there is usually good weather.

Souvenir & Shopping

 There is a shop named Yukitakeya which sells Rice crackers, local drinks, and other snacks too. Not only this they also sell other delicacies like oyster crackers, beer, sake, coffee, and pickled fish. They exclusively sell "ONLY HERE IN THE WORLD" marked products which make them more appealing I guess.

Itinerary for Matsushima Trip

 Here I share our day trip plan to cover all the important tourist spots you can see within a day.
We took the Shinkansen at 6:32 AM from Tokyo Station and reached Sendai station at 8.03AM. From there we took the local Senseki line train and reached Matsushimakaigan station around 8.55 AM. 
 First of all, we will go to the Starbucks near the station for breakfast. That place also has a great view from the second floor.

 Then we will start walking along the coastline. Cross the Oshima Island first then Matsushima Port, Godaido Temple one by one. Then we will cross the famous Fukuraabashi Bridge and walk around Fukuraa Island.

There are several restaurants nearby and after completing our lunch finally, we went to the Zuiganji Temple, Entsū-in temple, and kanrantei one after another.

Finally, at five o'clock in the afternoon, we left for home and returned home at eight o'clock.


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